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Why You Should Wear Sunscreen on Airplanes: Our Favorite Stories of the Week

Why You Should Wear Sunscreen on Airplanes: Our Favorite Stories of the Week

How tea saved Kim Kardashian's Cannes dress, the ice cream that cures hangover, how to elongate your legs, and more of our favorite stories of the week.


Uh oh. Airplanes might be worse for your skin than tanning beds. That's why sunscreen is crucial. (Travel + Leisure)

The lingerie company that is redefining the color “Nude.” (Elle)

Two hours until Cannes? No problem. Kim Kardashian used this food hack for a last minute dress dye job. (Marie Claire)

Stretch your way to long supermodel legs! (Popsugar)

Johnny Depp’s teenage daughter is the new face of Chanel No. 5. (Refinery 29)

As if we needed another reason to eat ice cream, there's one cures hangovers! (Glamour)

The real question is: what can’t you do with mascara? Check out our latest video for the best mascara tips and tricks!

Did you know you can change your eye shape with mascara? You can if you use the right application techniques. In fact, there are a ton of tricks you can do with mascara. Watch this video to get more of the best mascara tips.

Bella Hadid Just Landed a Huge Beauty Gig: Our Favorite Stories of the Week

Bella Hadid Just Landed a Huge Beauty Gig: Our Favorite Stories of the Week

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