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What It's Like to Try Selena Gomez's Secret to Glowing Skin

What It's Like to Try Selena Gomez's Secret to Glowing Skin

As I was browsing the internet one casual morning, I came across a headline on Elle.com that said something along the lines of “How Selena Gomez Gets Glowing Skin.” Because I love Selena Gomez and want glowing skin, naturally I clicked on the article. It revealed she goes to a place called Shape House – an urban sweat lodge – to get her glow on.


So what is it? I’ll let Selena explain: “I started going to a place called Shape House, and you lay in these beds in a sweatsuit, and they wrap you up and you sweat for 45 minutes and it releases all the toxins of your body, and you kind of feel…kind of the equivalent of a sauna, but it gets your heart rate up, and it gets everything flowing in your body. It's changed my skin, it's kind of changed my body as well, so it feels really good.”

In addition to all of that, Shape House also promises a serious calorie burn. I don’t know about you, but doing nothing while burning calories and getting glowing skin sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. I discovered they have a few locations around Los Angeles – super convenient since I live in Los Angeles – and made myself an appointment.

When I arrived on the day of my appointment, they had me put on some super sexy grey sweatpants, an orange long sleeve shirt, and thick grey socks. Here’s a picture. Back off boys!


Once I was in my sexy sweatsuit, a nice lady brought me to the back and tucked me into what looked like a giant heating pad. I was relieved to learn they give you a TV to entertain yourself with through the 60 minute session. Because 60 minutes is a long time to be wrapped up in a hot burrito.

Here I am wrapped up and enjoying Stranger Things on Netflix.


For the first 20 minutes, I was really into the treatment. It felt so nice and cozy, but after that, it started getting really, really sweaty in that burrito. I took a couple of deep breaths, some sips of the water that the nice lady set out for me, and learned to embrace the sweaty “me time”. It also helped that Stranger Things was getting good.

Finally, 60 minutes later, I emerged from my burrito a new, very sweaty, woman. You can see me in all my sweaty glory in this picture.


As for that glow Selena mentioned, well she wasn’t wrong. My skin had a really pretty glow and I also had a feeling of euphoria. I felt so positive and ready to take on the rest of the day. Another positive: I slept like a baby that night and woke up the next day feeling extremely well rested. Selena Gomez didn’t steer me wrong with this treatment. I’ll definitely be going back again soon!

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