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The Top 10 Wellness Trends of 2017 According To An Integrated Health Expert

The Top 10 Wellness Trends of 2017 According To An Integrated Health Expert


Though we hate to call the wellness a "trend," we have to agree that beauty should always come from within — which is why feeling good on the inside is just as (if not more) important as how we look from the outside. Now that 2016 and all of its trendy juice cleanses are (hopefully) in the rear-view mirror, we're looking at what's next in the wellness space for 2017.

To get a professional opinion on the matter, we spoke to board-certified physician Dr. Taz Bhatia, an integrated health expert with expertise in nutrition, weight loss, and women's health. (Oh, she's even got her own podcast show, too.) She's also the founder of Centre Spring MD, a full medical and wellness center and spa that incorporates holistic and modern approaches into its care.

"Social media is playing a huge role in [the wellness] movement as many people can document their wellness experiences and transformative results with their followers," she says. "Additionally, the wellness experts and even physicians like myself that embrace this whole health approach are doing a lot to move the needle on this movement."

From medicinal mushrooms to probiotic-packed everything and more, check out the top 10 wellness trends that Bhatia predicts for 2017.

1. 'Ugly' Fruits and Veggies Will Get More Love

"Fruits and vegetables get thrown away more than any other food," says Bhatia, "[and] using the whole plant — from stem to root — will become more common as these foods are just as nutritious as 'normal'-looking produce and help reduce food waste." She recommends eating more ginger, which may be "one of the least attractive vegetables" but contains antioxidants that fight aging, even out skin tone, and improve elasticity.

2. Meat Will Make A Comeback

Sorry, vegans: thanks to the rise of ketogenic diets (which are all about eating little or no carbs and consuming good fats), meat will be back on everyone's menus, Bhatia says. According to Men's Fitness, this diet kicks our bodies into "a physiological process known as ketosis," allowing our bodies to burn fat as its main fuel source.

Into it? Watch the video below to find out how to make a yummy pizza alternative that's also paleo-friendly.

3. We'll Be Drinking More Than Hydration

Drinks that do more than quench your thirst will continue to grow in popularity: think protein-enriched milks and probiotic-infused juices, to name a few, says Bhatia.

4. Meal Delivery Will Go Mainstream


Microwave dinners aren't revolutionary, but more people will be open to getting their week's meals delivered straight to your door. Whether it's a cook-it-yourself option like Blue Apron, a microwaveable meal makers like Freshly, or a plant-based company like Thistle, online meal delivery services will become more mainstream.

5. There'll Be More Booze-Free Hangouts

"Sober is the new cool," says Bhatia," and we can expect to "see more spaces popping up that are alcohol-free to connect like-minded individuals." Given that booze is known to age our skin, we'll drink to that — watch the episode of The Cut below to find out more.

6. Medicinal Mushrooms Will Be Big

No, we're not talking about "magic" 'shrooms. "The ancient Chinese practice of using mushrooms to treat different ailments will grow in interest," says Bhatia. "Medicinal mushrooms, including maitake, reishi and shiitake, contain selenium that boosts the immune system to protect against the cold or flu and can be taken as teas or tinctures," she says. This form of fungi also helps regulate insulin, supports hormone health, and can keep our bellies slim, she adds. Four Sigmatic is among the health food brands leading the charge with its mushroom teas and other products, so don't be surprised to see more fungus-fueled options in the tea and beverage aisles.

7. Health Will Go High-Tech

Fitbits won't only be for the fitness-obsessed, Bhatia says, and personalized performance gadgets that track your sleep, hearth health, weight, and physical activity will be rise in popularity among all age groups. From the Apple Watch 2 and other stylish smartwatches to fashionable wearables like Ringly and new luxe bracelet brand Wisewear, it's clear that the demand for high-tech health gadgets isn't dying down anytime soon.

8. Ancient Medicine Will Be A Modern Obsession

Tying into the medicinal mushrooms trend, old medicine will go mainstream, says Bhatia. "Chinese medicine and Ayurveda will continue to enter the wellness dialogue," she says. What is Ayurveda? According to Yoga Journal, it's "a system of healing that examines physical constitution, emotional nature, and spiritual outlook in the context of the universe."

9. Skincare Will Be Packed with Probiotics


Bhatia says more beauty companies will be adding probiotics into their formulas. "From cleansers to serums, skincare with whole health benefits will continue to enter the market," she says. In addition to being good for your gut (probiotics help with digestion and more), the healthy bacteria has anti-inflammatory benefits and can help treat acne, eczema, and rosacea, according to ElleClinique, TULA, Aurelia, and Éminence are just a few that already have probiotics-packed products on shelves, and we can expect to see more brands follow in their footsteps.

10. There'll Be A New Class of Superfoods

While we love a good kale salad, those leafy greens aren't the only superfood options for a good diet, says Bhatia. "The new 2017 superfoods will be sunflower protein, jack fruit, dragon fruit, and black garlic," she says. Want more? Check out our latest episode of Mixed Makeup Wellness featuring holistic nutritionist Kelly Leveque's favorite superfoods.

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