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The Right Way to Use a Beauty Blender

The Right Way to Use a Beauty Blender


A beautyblender is one of the most versatile beauty tools out there. That is, if you know how to use it properly. See below to learn some of our best tips on how to use one. The most important tip to know is to make sure the blender is damp (not wet) before you use it. When it's dry, the blender absorbs the product rather than depositing it on the skin. It also just doesn't blend as well! To get yours damp, place the blender in water and squish it until it's almost doubled in size. Then, squeeze out any excess water with a wash cloth or paper towel.

It's also important to keep your blender clean! There are many different ways to clean your beautyblender, you can use a bar of soap, baby shampoo, or a makeup brush cleaner. Any of these methods work, but it's important not to pack your blender away until after it's completely dry. You can even use the packaging as a base to dry your beautyblender!

Watch this video to see more tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your beautyblender!

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