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Tea Time Just Got Easier

Tea Time Just Got Easier


I was wandering around Unique LA this past weekend and I came across a booth that was giving out tea samples. I never say no to a sample--Costco is basically like a playground to me--so I took a sip of a peppermint tea. It was so delicious that I had to know more about it. It was from a company called Tea Drops.

Tea Drops basically works like a bath bomb, but for your tea. You get a blend of tea, organic sugar, and aromatic spices that come in a small, portable nugget. Each flavor has a different shape: heart for peppermint, star for cardamom spice, bundt for citrus ginger, and flower for rose earl grey (see below). All you have to do is just put the tea of your choice into a mug, add hot water, and stir.



It's convenient because it takes the steeping step out of the process and has the perfect amount of sweetness. Not too sweet, but just right. Plus, the different shapes are so cute and make me want to use them even more. Which is good because there's also a ton of beauty and health benefits to sipping on a cup of tea.

You can get a variety box that comes with eight servings for about $12, but there are a bunch of different options on their website. My favorite flavor so far is the rose earl grey, but I hope to try the matcha next. These make great gifts for a loved one or when you just want a little "me time" to relax with a cup of tea. If you give it a try, tell me what you think in the comments below!

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