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What is Crystal Healing? We Tried it to Find Out

What is Crystal Healing? We Tried it to Find Out

Living in Los Angeles exposes you to a lot of alternative treatments that can claim to heal you inside and out. Susan Yara and Sharzad Kiadeh recently tried reiki with crystal healing at Auralux with Jules Davis.

The treatment combines reiki, a form of energy healing, and crystals to bring balance and encourage emotional and physical healing. Crystals are specifically chosen for each individual and strategically placed on each chakra (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown).

Watch this video to learn all about the treatment and tell us if you would try it in the comments.

Crystals are known to have healing powers. That's why we decided to experience it for ourselves at a reiki session with crystal healing. Watch this video to see what happens! If you liked this video, watch these: Exfoliating Massage: https://youtu.be/pu-RPdFAQeM Reiki Hair Treatment: https://youtu.be/dO6fjwicOYc Join our beauty Facebook group!

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Using a Hammer in a Massage? We Tried Tok Sen

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