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Why You Should Skip the Steam in Your Facials

Why You Should Skip the Steam in Your Facials

If you get a facial, odds are it will involve steam. Estheticians use it to “open the pores” and make extractions easier, but that steam might be doing more harm than good. Here’s why.

Seam can be really harsh on the skin and can dehydrate your skin. Plus, steam machines are difficult to clean, so that steam blowing on your face might actually be pretty dirty. The facials at Heyday don’t include steam, but instead use hot towels to achieve the same goal.

Susan and Sharzad tried their 50-minute facial out on The SASS! Watch the video below.

Your average facial typically includes steam to "open up the pores" and help with the extraction process. But did you know facial steamers can be hard to clean? At Heyday in Los Angeles, they skip the steamer you still get a great, affordable facial that's tailored to your skin's needs.

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