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Does Sugar Cause Acne? Experts Explain How that Sweet Tooth affects your Skin

Does Sugar Cause Acne? Experts Explain How that Sweet Tooth affects your Skin

There’s a reason we don’t celebrate birthdays with garden salad. Sugar is just so much more decadent and it’s one of the most consumed substances in the Western diet. We celebrate with cakes, we drown our sorrows in a pint of ice cream, and we add it to our coffee every morning. Sadly, that sweet tooth comes with a cost to our health and to our skin. I reached out to experts to find out exactly how sugar affects our skin and why you may want to cut back.

Is sugar aging your face?

Cutting down on sugar may be the key to achieving and maintaining a youthful glow. “Persistently elevated blood sugars in individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance leads to the production of advanced glycation end products, which is associated with accelerated age-related collagen damage,” says London-based dermatologist Dr. Beibei Du-Harpur.

Collagen is essential to youthful skin. It’s what makes our skin bouncy and plump and keeps fine lines and wrinkles at bay. However, our collagen production slows down significantly after age 25, so preserving it through good habits and a healthy diet are key.

Is Sugar Making My Acne Worse?

If you struggle with acne, sugar could make it worse. “Some studies show that diets high in simple sugars may cause acne by spiking blood sugar and increasing insulin production,” says Los Angeles registered dietician and nutritionist Whitney English. “Insulin may increase the production of testosterone and lead to increased sebaceous gland activity.”

Note that we’re not just talking about the white cane sugar you use to sweeten your coffee. Simple sugars to watch out for can be found in foods like white flour, white rice, fruit juice, and other sweets. These foods quickly spike blood sugar when consumed on their own. That said, English says the sugars found in whole foods, like fruit for example, are okay to consume.

Do I have to give up sugar completely?

Both Dr. Du-Harpur and English agree that sugar in moderation is perfectly fine. “Avoid extremes, like completely cutting out sugar, as it’s likely beneficial for your mental health too, which can also affect the appearance of your skin! Stress has been shown to negatively impact your skin,” says English.

The American Heart Association recommends about 25 grams (or six teaspoons or 100 calories) of sugar per day for women. To put that into perspective, one can of Coca-Cola has 33 grams of sugar. 

“Lifestyle changes should always be achievable and sustainable in nature,” says Dr. Du-Harpur. Try to follow a healthy diet with lots of veggies and protein so there’s less room for sugary foods. The amazing thing about our bodies is they’re great at maintaining balance. You shouldn’t feel guilty about a night of indulgence if you keep your sugar intake in check on a daily basis.

NOTE: Please consult a physician before making any major changes to your diet.

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