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Easy Skincare Routine for Clogged Pores Featuring NATURIUM

Easy Skincare Routine for Clogged Pores Featuring NATURIUM

Clogged pores, specifically on my chin and cheeks, are probably my biggest skin concern. It has been for years. Every time I get a facial, the esthetician always remarks on how many clogged pores I have. But I’m happy to report that I’ve finally found a winning combination of skincare products that have significantly reduced clogged pores (and blackheads!) on my skin.

The key to this routine is the NATURIUM BHA Liquid Exfoliant 2% ($20). It contains salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that is able to penetrate inside your pores to exfoliate from the inside out. It also contains fruit acids for extra exfoliation! The formula is alcohol-free, so it won’t strip your skin. Instead, your skin feels hydrated and almost like you put a serum on.

I like to use the NATURIUM BHA Liquid Exfoliant 2% every other night. On the nights I’m not using it, I use a retinol – another key ingredient to getting rid of clogged pores. Retinol helps speed up skin cell turnover, so your skin will be less susceptible to clogs. Retinol is also the gold standard ingredient for anti-aging because it helps boost collagen production, so it leaves your skin looking plump and youthful. NATURIUM Retinol Cream 2.5% ($20) is a great one to try because contains an effective, yet gentle, blend of retinol and bakuchiol (a natural retinol alternative). Since it’s a cream, you an actually use it as your last step in your skincare routine if you like.

For added pore unclogging benefits, I like to use a benzoyl peroxide cleanser in the morning. Benzoyl peroxide is a powerful anti-acne ingredient because it actually kills acne-causing bacteria. My favorite cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide is the Ayur-Medic Anti-Bacterial Wash ($27). It has additional physical exfoliation benefits from the synthetic wax beads. (Don’t worry, since they’re made of wax, they dissolve before they harm the environment and can be neutralized in the water system.)

Watch the video above to get my full nighttime skincare routine that I follow for clogged pores.

DISCLAIMER: Mixed Makeup founder Susan Yara is also the founder of NATURIUM.

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