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A Self Tanner for Those Who are Afraid of Self Tanner

A Self Tanner for Those Who are Afraid of Self Tanner

As a very fair complected person, I pretty much live a lifestyle similar to that of a vampire. I avoid the sun at all costs. And while tanning in the sun is a no-no for all skin tones, it’s especially risky for me since I have a family history of skin cancer. That means self tanners are the only way for me to achieve that sun-kissed glow. But since I’m so fair, I’ve always worried that any orange-tones or streakiness from self tanner would be especially noticeable on me. Enter: Jergen’s Natural Glow Wet Skin Moisturizer ($11).

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First, this self tanner, or gradual tanner, is incredibly easy to apply. Right after you turn the water off in the shower you just slather this all over your body. They say that there’s no wait time, but I usually wait a minute or so before I step out of the shower to towel off. The self tanner doesn’t come off on your towel and doesn’t stain any fabric it comes in contact with.

As for the color, it gives a very subtle, but perfect amount of tan. Because it’s not intense, it’s very forgiving if you miss a spot. I don’t look like I spent a week on the beach in Greece (I wish…), but I also don’t look like my usual ghostly self. So, I’d call it a win.

This product comes in two shades: fair-to-medium and medium-to-tan. It doesn’t have that typical self tanner smell and a little goes a long way. Overall, I’m so happy I finally decided to give Jergen’s Natural Glow Wet Skin Moisturizer ($11) a try. It’s a must-have for me now and the perfect self tanner for those who are wary of them.

Have you tried this product? Tell us in the comments!

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