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Avoid these Skincare Mistakes in Your 20s

Avoid these Skincare Mistakes in Your 20s

We make a lot of mistakes in our 20s – it’s just a part of growing up and learning more about ourselves. That said, there are certain skincare mistakes you can avoid, so we compiled this list to help you out.

Not wearing sunscreen

When you’re young, you feel invincible. We take risks and go outside without sunscreen. What people don’t think about is that all those sunburns and the sun damage turns into premature aging like wrinkles and hyperpigmentation as well as skin cancer. So do yourself a favor, apply that sunscreen and don’t forget to reapply every two hours.

Tanning in the Sun

We all want that bronzy, fresh from a beach vacation glow. But tanning = sun damage. It’s just not worth it. Instead, apply that sunscreen and use a self tanner at home. Here are a few self tanners Susan Yara loves.

Not Properly Cleansing Your Skin

Step away from the makeup wipes! Your skin needs a proper cleanse (preferably a double cleanse) to remove makeup, sunscreen, dirt, oil, and all the grime from the day. Makeup wipes just don’t clean your skin enough, and all that rubbing can irritate your skin.

To see more skincare mistakes to avoid in your 20s, watch this video.

A Self Tanner for Those Who are Afraid of Self Tanner

A Self Tanner for Those Who are Afraid of Self Tanner

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